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Finding focus in the midst of the Haze.

We have been busy for so long. Busy with good things. I think back to my wedding day and I remember the beauty of it all, especially my glowing bride, yet overall the day was a complete blur, and if I am really honest the last five years have been a tad blurry as well. It is one thing to find focus, but it is another to find focus on the right things. I am not saying we should sit on a rocking chair staring into the sky all day trying to find our purpose, but that in the rhythm and flow of our days we are making sure we take the time to get alone with God our Father, praying intently, as we saw Jesus doing consistently in scripture. In that stillness, things can be brought more clearly into focus.

Medical professionals, truck drivers and some people are busier than ever, but I believe we all have been gifted this special opportunity in the middle of this crisis to be still and focus if we are willing.

In my quiet Bible time I have been studying in the book of James and one thing that has surfaced in my mind as a result is how fragile our human life really is. The intricacy of the way we were created and our intellect seem to be only matched by our frailty and the complexities of our weaknesses.

James 4:14 says: "Yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes."

This should be a sobering scripture for many of us. I look at the news and I see the staggering number of deaths from this virus, and my heart mourns for the families of all that have been lost. In my time of study I came across this poem below by David Romano, and it brought tears to my eyes. I encourage you to listen, find some time to get alone with God and ask Him what or who He wants you to FOCUS on.

Poem attributed to David Romano, Video done by Hammock


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